Chapter Outline of a Sub Project Plan (SPP) for Ration Balancing Programme
Chapter Outline of a Sub Project Plan (SPP) for Ration Balancing Programme
Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1. Background
Legal status, origin and operational area of the EIA.
- 1.2. Dairy profile of the state and project area
Milk production and its growth, geographical area, rural demography, share of primary sector in GSDP, bovine population and its growth, network of animal health care services and network of milk producers institutions.
- 1.3. Feed/feed supplements and fodder situation of the state and project area
Dry and green fodder production, fodder development activities, production and sale of mineral mixture, cattle feed and its supplements.
- 1.4. Overview of the EIA
Major activities of the EIA, services provided to the milk producers, existing infrastrcture, human resource system, financial management system including audit, purchase system and governance system).
Chapter 2: Rationale for Ration Balancing Programme
- 2.1. Need for balanced ration
Livestock profile of the project area, milk yield of major breeds, current feeding practices to the livestock, justification of implementing ration balancing programme in the project area.
Chapter 3: Sub Project Design
- 3.1. Sub project objective
Objectives set for the sub project.
- 3.2. Justification of the sub project objective
Negative effects of current feeding practices, expected positive effects of ration balancing programme.
- 3.3. RBP implementation design
Coverage of the sub project, year wise phasing of proposed coverage, responsibility of key personnels.
- 3.4. Sub project area
Geographical coverage proposed to be covered, tentative list of project villages.
- 3.5. Sub project outlay
Year wise sub project physical targets and year wise financial outlay with price contingency for all items provisioned in the sub project.
- 3.6. Synergy between relevant central/ state schemes and the sub project
Measures to avoid overlap of the sub project with relevant schemes of central / state government.
- 3.7. Risk identification and mitigation matrix for the sub project
Potential risks that may adversely affect the sub project and their mitigation measures.
Chapter 4: Sub Project Implementation Arrangement
- 4.1. Implementation arrangement
Responsibility of EIA in the sub project, identification of key personnel, hierarchical structure of sub project implementation with names and numbers.
- 4.2. RBP Management Committee
Constitution and role of management committee for management, monitoring and reviewing RBP.
- 4.3. Project Management Cell
Constitution and role of project management cell for execution and implementation of RBP.
- 4.4. Role of village based milk producers institutions in implementing RBP
Chapter 5: Sub Project MIS, Monitoring, Learning & Evaluation
- 5.1. Introduction
Brief introduction to the chapter mentioning the importance of monitoring of project and benefits.
- 5.2. Management Information System (MIS)
Details of MIS system to be put in place (INAPH/SSMS/any other) for monitoring of sub project, Role of MIS for implementing the sub project.
- 5.3. Monitoring and Evaluation
Role of Monitoring and Evaluation, details of internal monitoring procedures, submission of reports to PMU etc,
- 5.4. Implementation of MIS and learning activity
Description of roles and responsibilities of Project Management Cell with reference to sub project MIS and monitoring.
- 5.5. Learning and Knowledge Management
Details about range of strategies and practices used in the sub project and how learnings from the sub project would further help the sub project and the EIA.
- 5.6. Structure of ICT based MIS for sub project implementation
Specific requirements of computer hardware and software for sub project implementation.
- 5.7. Key performance indicators
Key performance Indicators to be tracked for the particular activity. (Table having specific indicators and their year wise targets).
Chapter 6: Rollout Plan
- 6.1. General
Logical sequence of activities put in a time line (week wise) for the project period of the sub project as per the Guidelines/Manuals.
Chapter 7: Sub Project Governance and Accountability Action Plan
- 7.1. Existing governance structure
Details of Board, its members and their tenure.
Details regarding existing grievance handling procedures followed and existing complaint handling procedures.
Filled in GAAP checklist to be attached.
- 7.2. Governance and Accountability Action Plan (GAAP)
Details regarding how the sub project will pay attention to issues of internal and external checks and balances, information disclosure, monitoring of compliance of GAAP measures, maintenance of transparency etc.
GAAP framework for the sub project is to be developed and mentioned here.
- 7.3. Design principles
Details regarding what affirmative measures, mechanisms for detection of inappropriate governance and motivational actions to encourage good governance will the EIA put in place for the sub project.
- 7.4. Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plan
Details regarding risk assessment and mitigation plan for the sub project(at the union level/village level/semen station level as applicable) having key GAAP vulnerabilities/risks, their detection, the measures taken to address the risk and entities responsible for mitigating the risk.
- 7.5. Information disclosure
Information disclosure regarding relevant parameters of the sub project activities through display charts/boards, websites.
- 7.6. Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM)
In this section, details about grievance redressal officer for the sub project, his roles and responsibilities etc to be mentioned.
Chapter 8: Human Resource Management
- 8.1. Manpower status at EIA
Manpower status of the EIA – department wise number of officers, staff, workers (people on regular and contract scale for each category of employees)
Details of key manpower of the EIA including name, designation, department/functional group, qualification, total work experience/full time deputation.
Existing organogram/hierarchy followed in the EIA.
- 8.2. Compensation structure of the EIA
Compensation structure across various grades of employees in the EIA.
- 8.3. Annual Performance Appraisals
Details about how annual performance appraisals are carried out, promotion policies followed in the EIA.
- 8.4. Grievance handling on HR related issues
Details about Grievance Handling Mechanism of internal HR issues that take place in the EIA.
- 8.5. Key activities of Human Resource Management (HRM)
Details about key activities of HRM like Recruitment, Performance Management, Personnel actions, Time keeping and Payroll, Support Functions etc
- 8.6. Personnel and Administration (P&A) Team Structure
Details regarding Personnel and Administration (P&A) Team Structure/HR Department of the EIA.
- 8.7. Existing Training & Development practices
Details regarding training & Development practices followed in the EIA and how training need identification is done in the EIA.
- 8.8. Training facilities of the EIA
Details regarding training facilities of the EIA, number and different type of trainings conducted in the EIA.
- 8.9. Specific Human Resource needs for the sub-project
Details regarding specific manpower required for implementation of the sub project.
- 8.10. Manpower allocation by the EIA
Manpower to be allocated by the EIA internally (designation, name, qualification, total work experience, relevant experience) for the sub project and to be recruited (name of position, fulltime/part time, allocation by month/quarter).
- 8.11. Progress records & reporting mechanism
Details regarding role wise (for the sub project), reports preparation and submission.
- 8.12. Initial support for Compensation of manpower deployed under the sub-project
Details regarding initial support for compensation of manpower for the manpower deployed in the sub project (if applicable) and their subsequent sustainability under the sub project.
- 8.13. Training and Capacity Building for Sub Project
Details regarding the training programme(s) name, location, duration and year wise physical targets for the sub project needs.
- 8.14. Measures to ensure Training Effectiveness
Details regarding what measures to be taken to ensure training effectiveness
Details regarding refresher training programme
Chapter 9: Sub Project Financial Management (FM)
- 9.1. Present financial management practices and performance
Brief of existing financial management system, with an overview of audit procedure, past financial performance.
Filled-in financial management checklist to be attached.
- 9.2. Sub project FM arrangements including funds flow
Proposed arrangements for financial management for the sub project.
- 9.3. Fund flow from PMU to the EIA
Proposed arrangements for funds flow from PMU to the EIA.
- 9.4. Flow of funds from the EIA to village based milk producers’ institutions
Proposed onward flow of funds from EIA.
- 9.5. Accounting and internal controls
Proposed systems of accounting for the sub project.
- 9.6. Internal control arrangements for management of the sub project fund by the EIA
Control arrangements on the part of EIA specifying processes for physical verification of assets and withdrawl of sub project fund.
- 9.7. Audit arrangements at the EIA
Proposed audit arrangements for the sub project.
- 9.8. Reporting and monitoring
Proposed reporting and monitoring arrangements for the sub project from the EIA to the PMU.
- 9.9. Staff for FM functions in the EIA
Staff requirements of the EIA for the sub project.
- 9.10. Role of FM team in the EIA
Role of existing FM department of the EIA in the sub project.
- 9.11. Capacity building for FM function
Training requirements for proposed FM procedures.
Chapter 10: Procurement of Goods, Works and Services
- 10.1. Present procurement (purchase) procedure of the EIA
Brief of existing purchase system with an overview of inquiry and tender procedure.
Filled-in procurement questionnaire to be attached
- 10.2. Procurement (Purchase) Policy
Existing policy for purchase of goods, work and consultancy
- 10.3. Capacity building
Training requirements for proposed purchase procedures.
- 10.4. Proposed procurement (purchase) arrangement
Purchase arrangement proposed for the sub project.
- 10.5. Delegation of powers for procurement (purchase)
Delegation of powers proposed for the sub project.
- 10.6. Procurement Plan
Category wise plan of items to be purchased for the sub project specifying the agency of procurement, quantity, unit rate, total cost and method of procurement and review.
Chapter 11: Sub Project Strategic Environment and Social Assessment
- 11.1. Introduction
Details about environmental and Social issues in sub project area in-line with the Strategic Environment and Social Assessment (SESA) study.
- 11.2. Implementation Arrangements
Measures to handle environmental and social issues in sub project area, persons responsible for the same and physical targets and finanical outlay provisioned for the same.
- 11.3. Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)
Details regarding environmental and social concerns faced by the sub project and the interventions proposed for mitigation of the same in-line with the SESA study.
- 11.4. Consultation and Disclosure
Details regarding consultations with other stakeholders in the sub project and information disclosure related to the sub project.
Chapter 12: Means of Financing and Sustainability
- 12.1. Means of financing
Source of proposed investment.
- 12.2. Sustainability of Sub Project
Details regarding implementation of sub project on self-sustainable basis (attaching the projected financial inflow and outflow statement for the sub project)
- 12.3. Overall benefits
Benefits of the sub project to the ecology and milk producers.
- 12.4. Economic benefits
Economic benefits to the milk producers and employment opportunities for people employed in sub project.
- 12.5. Social benefits
Benefits to the milk producers in terms of enhanced organisational capacity.
- 12.6. Local environmental benefits
Benefits to local ecology.